Exercise and Rehabilitation Programs (Ontario, only) | ||||
Program Name | Cancer Site | Brief Description | Location (City) | URL or Telephone Number |
The Core Family Health Centre — Skye Physiotherapy & Pilates | All types | A variety of Pilates Classes are offered by Physiotherapists. Classes are small to ensure individualized attention for each participant. A variety of resistance and stability equipment is utilized. | London | http://www.skyehealth.ca/Classes/pilates-classes-in-London-Ontario/a~2381–c~331184/article.html |
Crossfit Rebuild | All types | Our fitness programming for group classes and individual training strive to improve your capacity in ten recognized fitness domains: cardio-respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. This makes CrossFit perfect for anyone wanting to bring their fitness to the next level. | Cambridge | https://www.crossfitrebuild.com/ |
Wellspring Exercise Program (additional programming including yoga) | All types | Wellspring’s cancer exercise program was specifically developed for the needs of cancer patients by a registered physiotherapist and pioneer in cancer rehab Ontario. Patients receive an individual assessment, personalized exercise program, and opportunity to exercise with other patients, and instruction on self-managed exercise both during and following the program. | 1. Wellspring – Downtown Toronto 2. Wellspring Westerkirk House (Sunnybrook) 3. Wellspring Birmingham Gilgan House – Halton Peel | https://wellspring.ca/centre-of-innovation/cancer-exercise/ |
Encore YWCA | Women with cancer | The YWCA offers ENCORE, an 8 week floor and pool exercise program (one 2 hour session/week) to people who have had bresat cancer at any time in their lives. | Bracebridge, Guelph, Hamilton | http://www.ywcamuskoka.com/womens-programs/ywcaencore; http://www.guelphy.org/y-in-the-community/encore/ |
CanWell at YMCA Les Charters | All types | The Les Charters YMCS in Hamilton offers a 12 week supervised exercise program for individuals diagnosed with cancer at any stage of cancer treatment. | Hamilton | http://www.hhsc.ca/body.cfm?id=1962 |
MacWarriors at McMaster University | All types | Physiotherapists and health professionals have the expertise to ensure all our clients reap the benefits of cancer rehab and exercise (community-based). | Hamilton | https://pace.mcmaster.ca/programs/mac-warriors-cancer-rehabilitation |
CAN-soar: Cancer Rehabilitation | All types | Cancer Rehabilitation: CAN-soar is a 10 week exercise and physiotherapy program. It includes an individualized exercise program to suit your specific needs with manual therapy provided by a physiotherapist. It is a supervised circuit-training program. It is okay to have fatigue, pain, weakness, swelling, dressings, cording, fibrosis, expanders, implants: CAN-soar will work through these with you. | Hamilton | http://www.physiocareservices.com |
LifeMark Physiotherapy/Centric Health Cancer C.A.R.E | All types | A private physiotherapy clinic that offers cancer rehabilitation at designated facilities across the country. | Multi-site (refer to website for specific locations) | www.lifemarkphysio.ca/services/cancer-care |
Cancer Transitions at Stronach Regional Cancer Centre | All types | 6 week program to help cancer survivors transition from treatment to regular lives (on-site). | Newmarket | |
Cancer Rehabilitation at Haley Rehab | All types | Private physiotherapy clinic specialized in cancer, breast cancer, lymphedema, and deep vein thrombosis. No physician referral necessary. Our goal is for you to get back to doing the things you love, with the best quality of life possible. | Ottawa | www.haleyrehab.ca |
Exercise in Oncology at Kinnect to Wellness | All types | Rehabilitation: Moderate exercise classes help people to improve quality of life, gain strength, and address fatigue that may be brought on from cancer treatments. | Sudbury | http://www.kinnecttowellness.ca |
WE-Can at Canadian Games Complex | All types | 10 week wellness and exercise program for individuals living with cancer. | Thunder Bay | http://www.tbrhsc.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/WE-Can_brochure_2015.pdf |
Gilda’s Club (several programs) | All types | The following group exercise programs are available: Men’s Yoga, Yoga, Core Strength Class, Electric Chair Yoga, Zumba, Creative Movement with the National Ballet School, Pilates. | Toronto | https://gildasclubtoronto.org |
The Health, Exercise, Active Living and Therapeutic Lifestyle (HEALTh) Program at University Health Network | Breast | A 6 month program offering a unique blend of education, exercise and peer support. The program provides: Individually prescribed aerobic (cardio) and resistance training exercise, education about topics related to exercise, breast cancer and heart health, a supportive place for women who are at different stages of breast cancer treatment. | Toronto | http://www.uhn.ca/TorontoRehab/PatientsFamilies/Clinics_Tests/HEALTh |
Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship Program: CAncer Rehabilitation and Exercise (CaRE) Program at University Health Network | All types | Comprehensively assess the survivorship and rehabilitation needs of individuals with cancer, teach participants about exercise and how to perform it safely, test fitness levesl and help understand what it means, 8 weeks of group based (@ ELLICSR) exercises, educational classes related to cancer survivorship issues. | Toronto | http://www.uhn.ca/PrincessMargaret/PatientsFamilies/Clinics_Tests/Cancer_Rehab_Survivorship/Pages/care_program.aspx |
Healthy Steps at Unversity Health Network | All types | A healing exercise program held at Toronto General Hospital. Helps participants regain range of motion, improve balance, improve swelling caused by lymphedema, improve emotional well-being, promote positive self-image, and help stabilize weight. A medical clearance is required. | Toronto | http://www.uhn.ca/PrincessMargaret/PatientsFamilies/Specialized_Program_Services/Patient_Education_Classes/Pages/healthy_steps.aspx |
Toronto Rehab Ambulatory muskuloskeletal and oncology programs | All types | Assessment by a team of health care professionals to address issues in mobility and overall function caused by cancer diagnosis and or treatment | Toronto | https://www.uhn.ca/TorontoRehab/PatientsFamilies/Clinics_Tests/Musculoskeletal_Rehabilitation |
Cancer Rehabilitation at the Orthopaedic Therapy Clinic | All types | Registered Kinesiology & Therapeutic Fitness helps individuals living with cancer minimize disability and achieve the highest possible return to function. They provide an individualized approach to rehabilitation and teach you the skills you need to help restore your independence. | Toronto | http://www.orthophysio.com |
Oncology Rehabilitation Program at Orthopaedic Therapy Clinic | All types | For patients who have undergone, or are planning for, cancer surgery or cancer treatment. This short-stay, active rehabilitation program helps patients increase their strength, mobility and independence for a smooth return to the community and their lives. | Toronto | http://sunnybrook.ca/content/?page=SJR_patvis_prog_onc |
Living Fit, Well Fit, Well Fit Grad Program | All types | The UW WELL-FIT 12 week program focuses on restoring and improving the physiological well-being of individuals on chemotherapy, radiation or hormonal therapy treatment. | Waterloo | https://uwaterloo.ca/uw-fitness/uw-well-fit/uw-well-fit-12-week-program |
Renew at Windsor Squash and Fitness | All types | RENEW Back to fitness program – Designed for cancer survivors and delived by certified professionals from Windsor Squash & Fitness in collaboration with the Windsor Regional Hospital Cancer prgoram (on-site). | Windsor | http://windsorite.ca/events/renew-back-to-fitness-program-61/ |
Cancer Smart Rehab at MedFit Rehab | All types | A holistic approach to ensure we progressively engage the mind, body, and spirit as we strive to improve client strength, ROM, endurance and overall quality of life. (Team: Exercise rehab specialists, medical exercise specialists, kinesiologists and gerontologists). | Toronto | http://medfitrehab.com |