Structured Exercise Programs

Program NameDescription and Location
Cancer Rehabilitation and Exercise (CaRE) Program, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health NetworkDescription: 8-week rehabilitation and exercise program in a group-setting or home-based setting. Must be a patient treated at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.
Location: Toronto
HEALTh, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health NetworkDescription: 6-month program providing education, exercise, and peer support.
Location: Toronto
WellspringDescription: 20-week supervised exercise program; one hour session, twice per week.
Program Information
Location: Toronto
CanWell, Hamilton Exercise ProgramDescription: 12-week supervised exercise and education program.
Location: Brantford-partnered YMCA locations.
MacWarriors Cancer Rehabilitation Service
Description: Physiotherapy and supervised exercise sessions.
Program Information
Location: Hamilton
UW WELL-FITDescription: 12-week supervised group-based exercise sessions. One hour session, twice per week.
Location: Kitchener-Waterloo
HEARTH PLACE CANCER SUPPORT CENTRE – DO IT WITH EASEDescription: To help regain and maintain range of motion, maintain physical fitness, build core strength, and reduce the risk of lymphedema.
Program Information
Location: Oshawa
YWCA ENCOREDescription: To increase circulation, mobility, flexibility and reduce effects of lymphedema for women who have experienced breast cancer at any time in their lives.
Program Information
Location: Bracebridge
University of Toronto
Research supported by:
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation ONTARIO